Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A little pain, but less stress.

Well better late then never!

Bubba has been fighting an ear infection for over two weeks now. We ended our meds on Saturday and that night he began running a fever. So, even though we already had an appointment scheduled for Wed., I called Monday and we were seen right after lunch.

Bubba was already freaking out since last time we were there the Dr. had to clean the wax out of his ear and accidentally scraped his ear canal when he moved. So, she goes to look in the ear again and it is full of wax again and his throat is red. She decided to swab his throat while we already had him on the table. Well, that triggered his gag reflex and the emptying of his stomach contents. Then she sent in a nurse, well two nurses, and they flushed his ear out. A few minutes later it was determined that he still had an ear infection.

So, his Dr. prescribed Augmenten. Now, Bubba will NOT take medicine and I have to mix it in his milk, which usually works well. So, we struggled with it for 2 days and decided today that we weren't getting it in him and made the call to the Dr. They told us to come in for a shot.

Let me just tell you. I hate to see my little guy in pain. I also hate that since the last few times he has gone to the Dr. have been what his mind see as traumatic, I am going to have a hard time getting him to go again, but it is so worth it to know that he is getting the medicine.

So, for a few minutes of screaming and crying and a little pain later, my baby is on his way to healthy ears. I know it may not win me the mommy of the year award, but it beats the vomiting that can come along with him taking meds, and the stress of me worrying about him not getting his meds.

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