Thursday, November 6, 2008

Beddy Buddin

Ok, so having a speech delayed child can be a extremely funny thing! Take this conversation for instance.

Bubba coming out of potty :"uh-oh my beddy buddin"

Mom "say what"

Bubba "My Beddy Buddin, fix it"

Mom "say what!? Show me what you need help with"

Bubba "My beddy Buddin" while pointing to his button on his pants.

At this point I was cracking up and could not hardly talk. I knew he was saying belly button but I could not figure out what he needed me to fix.

Sorry for a short post today, I have two kiddos rolling in the floor asking to go outsiide and according to Bubba he "needs" to play outside. Since the weather man says this is going to be the last time this year that we see 70 I guess I need to take them out, so out we go only to retun in a few min with the inspiration for tomorrows post I am sure.

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