Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Works for Me: Cutting down the after school tantrums

Bubba goes to preschool 4 days a week for a whole 2 and a half hours a day. When he gets off the bus though, the whining insues followed by the tantrum when we get inside because he wants a snack not lunch. We have the same fight everyday and I have yet to figure it out, that is until the other day.
Bubba got off the bus as usual and started his normal routine. We got inside and he stood at the gate crying for a snack while I was getting ready to fix lunch. Then it hit me!!!! Let him help. So, for the past few days he gets to cross the kid free barrier into the kitchen and make lunch with mommy. Not only does the whining and crying stop, he eats lunch!
I start work on Dec 1st, but until then Bubba will be helping mommy make lunch on a daily basis.
Be sure to stop over at Rocks in My Dryer for more great Works for Me Wednesday links.

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